When the short film project was announced, I was in the process of going through multiple job interviews a week, trying to figure out my post-grad plans. It was a bit stressful, but I brought my internal feelings to class with the idea of someone preparing for a job interview as the basis of our group’s story.
I’m glad we were a bit different in our approach by not doing a horror/murder/mystery film, especially with the added risk of Sam’s idea of trying to make the entire film in one shot. His other idea of having no script seemed dumb at first but after a few takes, I knew it was the right idea. He seriously looked and sounded at times while talking to himself on the walk nearly identical to how I was looking and feeling during my job interviews.
The biggest realization I had from the project was the added preparation needed for every aspect of filming, especially from Robbie while filming. We had to make sure he wouldn’t trip, get the necessary shots in-frame, and also move around enough so it didn’t feel like a monotonous shot. Before we started filming, I looked back over chapter 5 in Moving Pictures because I wanted to make sure our cinematography was good enough to keep people intrigued throughout the short film. From making sure the lighting worked out, to using different angles despite it being one shot, we tried to bring it all together to create a fun film.
I don’t know if I’ll help contribute to another movie outside of this class, but watching a short film go from an idea in my head caused by stress to a seamless three-minute video was a cool experience.
I'm glad you had a good time and it's clear you used some solid filmmaking strategy and techniques!